

1 January 2021 HI I'm soad I'm turning 20 next march  well it's 2021 💃 and I decided to write down my story To whoever will read it  I hope you found it interesting or boring I don't really care Yup that's exactly the very first thing I decided to do this year stop giving a shit about what others think, say  Or even what they think is that they advise me  and that they're tryin' to guide me to the right path PLA PLA PLA and ask them so politely to go and FUCK THEMSELVES   and yah  I'm pretty sure I can say that in a polite way lol I hate the fact that I just cured I've always hated cursing and People who curse a lot.   My hate journey began with my father   I grow up with Religious parents *Or as they were claiming* If there were a list of the best Frustrated critics ,my father would be among the top 10  The day he go and praises somebody it is an legendary day  and my mom she is another story, but hey if I'm gonna talk about her with all the B
السلام عليكم ورحمة من الله و بركاته قاوم عدوك بالإحسان إليه, فإن لم تستطع كسب وده فمن الممكن أن تفقع مرارته. الإنسان لم يخلق نفسه ولم يختر ملامحه, ففي سخريتك من غيرك سخريتك من الله عز وجل الذي خلق وأبدع فصور نمرٌ مفترس أمامك خير من ذئب خائن وراءك